Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Support H. R. 5893 - Right to take photographs

You may not have realized this, but our first amendment rights have been taken away yet again! for some time there have been restrictions placed on taking photographs in National Parks and at National Monuments and government facilities. Just recently we have had several instances locally of photographers being reprimanded and being forced to delete their images for taking photographs of a local nuclear facility from almost 5 miles away! Finally a bill has been introduced to stop this! Please support H. R. 5893 and save our first amendment rights!


More information is at:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Website updated - Flash removed.

The ConsumersRevenge.Com website has been updated. Most Flash menus have been removed, and will soon be replace with more consumer friendly CSS menus. The posting of complaints is now directed to a Google Group which should stop the hackers from getting in and also get better ratings with Google. Please stop by and visit, or post a complaint or two!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Post your complaints to our group!

A new place to post your consumer complaints - our Google Group! Please stop by and complain about a bad company, website or retail establishment! Have your voice heard!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Posted by some close-minded loser on my Ripoff Report complaint and my response:

Posted by some close-minded loser on my Ripoff Report complaint and my response:
No more free rides
AUTHOR: coast - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 17, 2014
It’s a lousy bank because after 25 years they are no longer offering you a free checking account. Well, aren’t you special? If you are unable to maintain at least $1500 in your 25-year-old business account then maybe you are not a profitable customer. It’s time to pay for the service.
You do not have a valid complaint.

My response -->

Sir, I beg to differ with you, but do appreciate your response. You however are close minded. I am an artist and writer and bring in less than $10,000 per year in these activities. I do it more for enjoyment than for profit, but do sell some of my work. As such, I require a business license, sales tax license AND a business account. It is not my intention to become rich at this, just to be able to sell my works to interested parties. Even the monthly fee would extract too large of a percentage of my profits to make it worthwhile, and I certainly would not want to lock up $1,500 with the bank to avoid a couple of hundred dollars in fees. As for the validity of my business, there are tens of thousands of people in my same situation with a combined net worth greater than the net worth of WalMart (per Entrepreneur Magazine, 2012, can't remember the month.) There are artists, crafts people, musicians, summer carnival vendors, part time caterers and the list just goes on. Best to think before you post such a rash response. My greatest complaint is that these huge businesses, banks included, are always jack-booting the little fellow who is struggling to survive and make a few bucks. They say we are a nuisance to them. I say, why not charge the huge companies that eat up all their server space and take endless hours to support and cut the little guy a break!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Boycott PNC

Thank you SO much PNC! After 25 years of service you they have advised me that they have killed their free business checking and are now charging an unreasonable fee and demanding a huge deposit to maintain checking without this fee!!! I am heading down to their lousy bank Saturday and cancelling ALL my accounts and switching them to my local bank, First Keystone, who still cares about its customers!  I encourage anyone else affected to do the same - let the bank know by the loss of our dollars how much we hate them! Share this with all your friends and spread the word across the world if you think this is unreasonable!